
Oregon Wine Retreat

Tentatively planned for August 13-15th, 2025 at the Black Walnut Inn & Vineyard about an hour south of Portland, Oregon.

Unlike the typical family office conference, Wine Retreat attendees have the opportunity to connect deeply with their peers on topics of shared interest in a relaxed and confidential environment. The unique, lightly-structured environment, is intended to provide fertile ground for open-ended conversation with other family office principals and executives to build trust and learn from peers in a way that would not be possible in the typical meeting or conference.

Event details:

The event is limited to 18-20 families with many participants bringing partners, children, parents, siblings or executives. The inclusion of partners and others shifts discussions outside of purely investment topics and builds deeper connections. We ask that anyone coming for the retreat plans to be present for its entirety. If you need to occasionally step away for a call or emails that is fine, but be mindful of the impact to the group.

Please also keep in mind that this is a “no-host” event without speakers or sponsor, so attendees responsible for the cost of their transportation, lodging, meals and wine tastings, as well as a proportional share of overhead and coordination expenses. An invoice will be issued for shared expenses following the event. Cost is estimated to be ~$3,000 per attendee (less with dual occupancy).

Once your spot has been confirmed you will receive an invoice for a $2,500 deposit. If you find you are no longer able to attend, and we are unable to find suitable replacement, Cross Pollinate will keep your deposit to cover shared group expenses.

Contact us to learn more.